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How to deal with lamp shy foxes

Is night vision the only option for lamp shy foxes? Andy Crow replies… Q: I’ve got some foxes on my permission that simply won’t put up with a lamp near them. Is night vision the only option? ANDY CROW replies: Well, you certainly have more options now as a fox shooter than ever before! NV

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Time Well Spent
Time Well Spent June 15, 2022

Is night vision the only option for lamp shy foxes? Andy Crow replies…

Q: I’ve got some foxes on my permission that simply won’t put up with a lamp near them. Is night vision the only option?

ANDY CROW replies: Well, you certainly have more options now as a fox shooter than ever before! NV units are much more affordable and effective, and you can even get thermal sights and spotters. But there are still plenty of options if you don’t want to go down that route. A bit of research might show you that this fox is active in daylight hours or at dawn and dusk. A bit of calling can sometimes do the trick at a time when they aren’t expecting to be targeted. Or you might want to bait a site and sit up a high seat to wait – if the moon is right and you have a good scope, you won’t need a lamp at all.

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