Several changes are being made to the Deer Management Qualifications DSC1 and DSC2 – these changes come into effect April 1 2021
Information has recently been shared relating to changes to DSC1 and DSC2 made by Deer Management Qualifications (DMQ).
These changes come into effect on April the 1st.
Shooting Assessment
From April the 1st a new Shooting Assessment will be implemented. It will consist of two rounds at the chest of the deer target from 100m from the prone or simulated high seat position, two rounds from 70m from standing, sitting or kneeling and, finally, two rounds from between 10 and 20m from the standing position at the head of the deer target. All normal shooting aids may be used.
The chest target area has been reduced slightly and a new target area marked on the head. The grouping and zeroing phase has been removed completely but Candidates will have an opportunity to check their rifles or familiarise themselves with a club rifle.
Only two attempts at the Shooting Assessment will be allowed in any one day. All candidates attending a course taking place after April the 1st will shoot this new course of fire.
Trained Hunter
The DSC1 course will no longer provide a route to the Trained Hunter status/qualification as this has been moved to DSC2 however game meat hygiene will still be taught as underpinning knowledge.
Any candidate that has Accredited Prior Learning in the form of a stand-alone Trained Hunter qualification (LANTRA/NGO) will be able to submit this as evidence and their certificate will reflect this.
Course bookings made prior to April 1st (even if the course takes place afterwards) will honour the Trained Hunter element and Candidates, if successful, will be awarded a certificate that reflects this. Other, stand-alone qualifications remain valid and current holders of DSC1 will be unaffected.
Individual Cull Record
Candidates registering for DSC2 after April the 1st will now only have to successfully undertake one Individual Cull Record (ICR) rather than three. Those currently registered under the old system will still be required to undertake three ICR’s.
Thermal Imaging
Handheld Thermal Imaging spotters may now be used during the stalking phase as well as for follow up and recovery.
Approved witness
The Approved Witness (AW) will now be allowed to indicate live deer to a Candidate if that person has failed to see them.
There are also some minor changes to the layout of the ICR’s.
Upon successful award of DSC2 a Candidate will now gain Trained Hunter status if they do not already hold it by other means.
For any queries directly relating to forthcoming BDS DSC1 Courses please contact
For anything relating to DMQ please visit the website