The Krypton front-mounted thermal has been reimagined, but what are the key features, and is it worth an upgrade? Paul Austin investigates Pulsar’s latest release
Would you like to appear on our site? We offer sponsored articles and advertising to put you in front of our readers. Find out more.It’s been almost two years since my first Krypton review and the introduction of the FMT that kicked off the front-mounted thermal explosion. This new version is smaller and lighter, with an improved sensor and now in full colour, but can the new Krypton 2 maintain its position as the gold standard for front-mounted thermal?
So, what are the upgrades? A full-colour AMOLDED display has come on board, plus a larger choice of colour modes (8 in total) as opposed to just the black hot /white hot of its predecessor. It’s a much-improved design with the battery migrating to the top of the unit for better balance plus battery life is improved (up to 11 hrs).
The new PSP-B bayonet adapter is another big improvement with a simple quarter turn now connecting the device to the adapter. This also means it’s easy to share the device on multiple rifles using multiple adapters, although you will have to take note (and change) the X/Y calibration coordinates when swapping to a different rifle/scope combo.
There are three levels of sensitivity, aiding image tweaking in varied conditions, while ‘short clicks’ provide instant access to key adjustments such as brightness and contrast. There’s Bluetooth and wifi connectivity plus picture and video recording and, of course, standby mode, again all available via ‘short clicks’ for instant access.
In terms of ergonomics, it’s a little more challenging for a leftie, with the buttons and focus dial all shifted to the left side of the unit. However, Pulsar have addressed that problem by including a Bluetooth-enabled remote that can be velcroed to the stock, so even lefties or indeed vertically challenged righties, won’t have to struggle stretching forward to access the controls.
The add-on monocular attachment returns, transforming the Krypton 2 into a stand-alone spotter with a much improved 3x mag, as opposed to the rather tight 5x of its predecessor. Power comes from the B Pack IPS7 and there’s plenty of it with a couple of trips per charge.
The main menu uses a carousel style selection system with centralised sub-menus. As we’ve come to expect from Pulsar, navigation and set-up is as good as it gets, thanks to an intuitive design that means you’re highly unlikely to be reaching for a manual.
Correct set up is crucial on any front-mounted system. The key is the adapter that creates the union between your day scope and the FMT. This is often the Achilles heel when it comes to front-mounted optics. Pulsar’s PSP adapter has arguably been the best in the business on the original Krypton and that tradition continues here.
The first step is to select the correct shim for your scope. This inserts into the adapter and can be secured with small strips of double-sided tape (which are supplied) to hold its position within the adapter sleeve. That may sound a bit Heath Robinson but it’s simply to avoid the shim dropping out if the adapter is removed.
Once you have a snug fit, courtesy of an adjustable lever which locks the adapter into position, the tinkering can commence. You loosen a hidden ball and joint socket adjustment via two bolts at the front of the adapter; this allows you to do basic alignment of the digital display within your day optic.
A digital alignment crosshair within the Krypton 2’s menu system helps you get it square and central.
Obviously, prior to fettling about with the thermal, you need to zero your day scope in the usual manner. In my case, this meant a 100m zero using my foxing round of choice: the superb Federal Premium 55gr in .243.
Hitting dead centre on a 3” steel gong at 100m, I chanced my arm and clipped on the FMT and took a shot. Much to my surprise it hit, dead centre but 2” high. To be honest, this was dumb luck, as the initial impact with the FMT fitted can, and indeed will, be off the mark in relation to the POI of your day scope. In this case it was a very near miss, but I’d recommend an initial 25m or 50m test shot to ensure you’re on the paper.
With the initial shot slightly high, a quick trip into the calibration menu allowed me to hold on target and adjust the X and Y coordinates until the crosshairs overlayed on the FMT display matched the POI on the target. A couple of test shots later and I was done.
Now for the acid test. I removed the FMT and took a shot, which hit dead centre as expected. I clipped the Krypton 2 back on to the adapter, via a simple quarter turn, and fired again. Clang! Right on the money and any concerns about repeatability, which is the key concern with any FMT, were put aside.
Ideally you should leave the adapter in place when the Krypton 2 is not in use. This does reduce light transmission, as the aperture of the adapter effectively reduces the size of the objective, but to be honest the brightness of the stand-alone day scope with the adapter fitted looked fine to me. If you’re doing some last-light shooting, you may want to remove it; just be aware that doing so will require realignment of the adapter and a potential shift in POI.
In terms of a suitable day optic, I would recommend a 3x base mag. I tried a 4x scope but above 3x and you’re sacrificing a bit of on-screen real estate by cropping too far into the display.
The new zoom function can cope with higher mags but the 3-18×50 34mm Hawke Frontier used during tests was a perfect fit. The new zoom function allows you to keep icons and menus on screen when upping the mag on the day scope – a definite improvement over the original Krypton. This also has the bonus of making the Krypton 2 more adaptable in terms of scope choices, with higher base mags now available without compromising on-screen navigation and control.
A word of warning. It’s vital to create a very stable eye position and cheek weld. Adding the Krypton does make eye relief and positioning a good deal fussier when compared to a stand-alone day scope, especially at higher mag, so get yourself a comb raiser – it’s an important addition to ensure a clear and consistent sight picture.
In short, the best just got better, lighter, more colourful, and easier to manage and has an improved sensor. There’s a lot to like about the Krypton 2, but the asking price will still put it outside the financial reach of most shooters. Krypton 2 – a great FMT solution, if you can afford it!
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